DT 1 Racer - 2 wheels

5 1
Item number: 3350
Private Label option: Yes
Nordic Ecolabel
This toy is Nordic Eco-labelled.
Age group 3+ years
Recommended age group for this toy is 3+ years.
This toy can be hand-washed.
Brown cardboard box
This toy is packed in a brown cardboard box.
Balance improving
Recommended for promoting balance
Develops fine motor skills
Recommended for developing fine motor skills
Physical Development
Recommended for physical skill development
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The colourful dantoy DT1 Racer bike with two wide wheels is perfect for the real little biker. Balance and coordination are trained when the children are walking or running with the bike by pushing with their feet. Gradually your child will develop key cycling skills such as balance, coordination, turning and speed. The Dantoy DT 1 Racer is durable and stable and holds at least 50 kg. It has outstanding play value and can be used both indoors and outside.


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